Friday, April 25, 2008

Sometimes Beauty can be a Beast

I would like to thank my co-worker Chelsea for making my week. She just sent me the best article EVER:An argument that broke out while several women were drinking beer and watching "America's Next Top Model" at a south Seattle apartment ended in a stabbing. Police say one woman told another she was too loud Wednesday night and that led to punches thrown and hair pulled. During the fight one woman took a paring knife out of an apple and stabbed the victim. Police spokeswoman Renee Witt says she was taken to Harborview Medical Center in serious condition. Police are looking for the other woman.


By "woman" they actually meant "skinny asian boy who can pass for a woman" cause lord knows I hate when people interrupt my top model. I don't ask for too much from my friends except for silence from 8-9pm every wednesday night. I never thought about stabbing someone into silence though. Genius. Tyra would be proud.

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